Thursday, June 16, 2016

House With Tower

This large home in the Annex neighbourhood is hidden away behind the trees most of the year but if you look closely over the middle peak of the roof you can see a wonderful little tower. I wonder if there is a wee room inside it? I could find no info about this house but I think it has been divided into condos. I do like the walls out front.
Taking part in Good Fences. Click HERE to see more fences from around the world.


  1. i wonder what is in that tower...i would love something like that for a little reading spot!

  2. Hello, it is a beautiful house. I would like a peak into the tower! Wishing you a happy Thursday and weekend ahead!

  3. That is a gorgeous house and if it has been turned into condos, it's a gorgeous condo unit. I wonder about that tiny room too.

  4. That looks a very interesting house and I do like the wall at the front

  5. This must have been a grand home at one time complete with stable for carriage horses.

  6. I bet there's an equally grand view from that tower! Lovely building, wall & hedges!

  7. A unique and special structure. I sure would like to see what one of those condos looked like! Very impressive, Pat!

  8. Great lookout tower. I hope the view is good.

  9. a fine looking place. i bet the condos are neat.

  10. That does look like a really nice place. I always like places made of brick.

  11. A very nice place and fenced/walled in very well.

  12. I do see the tower! Such a grand looking home.

  13. It's a beauty Pat.. wonder what a condo here would look like! Tres intriguing little tower 😃

  14. Always loved towers, Pat. In fact I lived in a church belltower for a time!
    Yes, the church was operating as a church :)

  15. It is a pretty fancy place. Towers make us wonder about what it would be like to live there, don't they?
