Friday, June 3, 2016

Moose In A Suit

I have shown you a few of the moose sculptures that are still scattered about the city since the "Moose In the City" event in 2000. Most of them have disappeared and they almost all lost their antlers in the first few weeks after installation. This fine guy is stationed above the drive-through of a cleaners store on Dundas St W so he is safe from vandals and still looks quite dapper!


  1. Wow, such a brilliant capture! He looks just dapper in his blue suit, and what a treat it must have been to see them around town.

  2. Thanks to Mel Lastman and his moose in the city project. This one is a classy dresser.

  3. He's a very well dressed moose !

    All the best Jan

  4. Very cute. There's a large cow on top of a store in Salida, Colorado. Or maybe it was a moose. Or elk. Or some other animal. I've got a photo of it somewhere. :)

  5. Dapper is the perfect word to describe this guy!

  6. He's a dapper guy! Great photo!

  7. Might make you do a double take if you didn't already know about it!

  8. He's a good looking lad. His suit is a bit bright. They didn't have charcoal gray?
