Thursday, July 14, 2016

Painted Victorian

I've always liked the look of these 2 semi-detached homes in the Yorkville/Annex neighbourhood. They were built in 1893 and have heritage protection since this whole area has been designated a heritage district. Both halves of the building are identical although the house on the left has nice fencing out front. This one is for sale and can be yours for a few million $$.
Taking part in Good Fences. Click HERE to see more fences from around the world.


  1. Hello, it is a pretty home. The price tag is too steep for me. Great shot! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. A fine solid house. Have a great day!

  3. I like it. I guess you better really like your neighbor.

  4. It is amazing how the two homes can remain twins with different owners on each side.

  5. Lovely building, but don't think I'll buy it. Does make for a fine photo.

  6. My millions are all tied up at the moment....well actually, I don't really have any millions so I guess I'll have to pass. However, I do like the look of this place.

  7. beautiful! you wanna go halfsies with me?!

  8. That is a fine-looking structure. But having lived in apartments, condos, and twin homes, I'm not really interested in buying the place. It's not the money, you understand. I mean what's a few million here or there? :) Sheesh!

  9. That's a fine looking house!

  10. Very nice area and home. Just not my style.

  11. I do like it, but that's too steep. I wonder just how obscenely rich real estate agents are getting driving up the prices.

  12. how pretty, but they can keep that expense. :)

  13. Heritage protection! Say no more.

  14. How funny that the fence is only on one of the houses. I also see the house on the right has Ivy on it but not the one on the left. They are nice looking but the price is a bit steep for my budget.

  15. Gee I wonder who has million sitting around. At times even coming up for $100 would be diffucult.
    Stop in from Biebkribels.
    If you fine the time stop in for some coffee.

  16. A beautiful home & I like the architectural style.

  17. You do have some handsome homes over there!

  18. Oh if only I had a spare million or two Pat :)

  19. A facade very elegant and very expensive for me 😊

  20. Beautiful architecture, esp the arched entrance. That's a little unusual for a Victorian structure, or am I incorrect. It would be fun to live in a home that's worth millions but it is a bit out of my league.
