Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Real Kingsway Theatre

I showed you the Kingsway Theatre in a mural on Monday and thought I should give you a pic of the real thing. It still operates a theatre and even though the sign could use a bit of a touch up the interior is said to be in good condition. Once again I have to make a point of heading out that way to get a night shot and see how many of those lights are working. I love the Art Deco details at the top.
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. wow. the exterior does need a perk-up or two. :)

  2. The mural did a very good job of representing the place. I'd love to see it all lit up.

  3. how neat, that's my idea of an old time theater or is it theatre

  4. I really like the art deco style too, and a little TLC would really spruce it all up! Very cool place, and I can imagine how it was back in the day!

  5. A bit of TLC would do this place a world of good and might even attract more customers. Glad to see that it is still in operation, though.

  6. Good to see an old vintage theatre still operating.

  7. I have spent many a happy few hours here watching so many movies!

  8. A fantastic place. Glad to hear it's nice on the inside, even though the outside could use a bit of TLC.

  9. I too love the top design of the building, but I figure that the huge sign makes it difficult to appreciate from the sidewalk.

  10. It would be interesting to see what it looks like all lit up at night.

  11. The original Art Deco theaters are disappearing fast. The Bill Board on this one is a bit rough, but they get their point across. Looks like there are other businesses in the building. Yes, a nigh shot would be great.

  12. Gosh! I've almost forgotten what the inside of a theater looks like. Most of the time it's DVDs these days.

  13. Are there many screens behind that small facade? The list of movies makes it seem so. Look like sign maintenance hasn't made it into the budget.

  14. It looks like it is just hanging in there, gasping and wheezing.

  15. Appears to be a mainstay in the community.


  16. Poor old lady looks as if she is just remembering her Cinderella days...from rags to riches and now back to rags...An interesting one...

  17. Would be interesting to see inside hey Pat. Love the Deco touches too, they make up for the slightly shabby chic exterior😃

  18. We have a few of these within 100 miles of home, but they are far and few between. We dod still have a WONDERFUL drive-in which we all contribute to in order to keep it up and running. This is a really nice one. genie

  19. Love that it's still operating! It would make me feel like a kid again! (I hate the mega theaters of today ... More fun to stay home and watch Netflex).

  20. If i had to choose, I'd go for the refurbished inside rather than a refurbished sign.

  21. I used to live in the High Park area and saw sooooooooooooooo many movies there!
