Wednesday, August 24, 2016


How could you not love Max who is ready for a walk with his leash! This is a new campaign the city has started in an attempt to ease the disagreements that can occur between dog owners and those who don't like dogs running loose. Some of you know that I have a great affection for Airedale Terriers so of course I love this sign!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Me too! Well actually all dogs! They sure did pick a great pup for this!

  2. I love Max and all dogs too! They are nice to be around and provide a life long friendship.

  3. That is so cool. I want a Max. In fact, I've asked the powers-that-be for a Max. They just meow and stalk away highly offended.

  4. I also love airedales, but I do agree with the sign. Dogs should be leashed in public (not everyone loves dogs and you have to respect that). But I think Torontonians are generally very good about following these rules, I hardly ever saw poop on the streets or sidewalks!

  5. Very clever signage. But really … can this be true … that not everybody loves Max!!

  6. I am a dog lover and I love the poster.

  7. Great poster. So one dog on 12 persons or an average of one on three or four households. Interesting stuf

  8. I heard about this on the news last night!

  9. There's always a debate between leash vs loose.


  10. he's sweet. and a good reminder to be respectful.

  11. What a sweet-faced dog for this sign.
    I'm okay with dogs, but I do expect owners to pick up the calling cards left in my yard.

  12. I'm afraid I'm one of those who's not enamoured of dogs. We have so many in our building, and there is an awful lot of barking. I understand people love them and want them as pets, but maybe they should not live in a downtown condo with them. Love the sign!

  13. I love Max and all dogs (and cats).
    Beautiful photo, Pat.
    I showed it to Chaka :)
    Have a Happy Day!!
    Peace :)

  14. As a dog lover, I am mystified that other owners need to be reminded of such basic behaviour, but what a nice way to alert people of their responsibilities!

  15. Max is a beautiful dog, but I have to say I am one who would not like to meet him or any strange dog off-leash, so I agree with the sign.
