Thursday, September 1, 2016

September Theme Day - "Library"

The Sept theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is library and I offer a pic of probably the smallest branch of the Toronto Public Library. This one is located in the Veteran''s Centre of the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and serves the veterans as well as the rest of the Sunnybrook patients and staff. It is also open to other members of the public and has a wide assortment of audio books, DVDs & CDs as well as books & magazines. The Toronto Public Library system is one of the busiest in the world - I guess we are ardent readers here!
Taking part in the September Theme. Click HERE to see more Library pics from around the world.


  1. It is wonderful to see a room jam packed with materials to see and read!

  2. I can tell by your photo that this library is popular & well stocked!

  3. This has the look of a very well used library Pat, the best kind of all!

  4. It's a very good idea to have a branch there.

  5. Unfortunately, libraries are declining here - certainly public ones - and I guess it must be the same in other countries. It saddens me, but it's also part of our changing world. How many bloggers go to public libraries (as distinct from research or special collection libraries), I wonder?

  6. It's nice to have branches throughout a big city so more people can have access to it. The library looks like it has a lot of books and media available for people to check out.

  7. I am a user of our public library. We usually have a dozen books checked out at a time. Reading seems to be a declining skill and enjoyment, so libraries need all the support they can get.

  8. I Europe most people prefer internet not ging to libraries. What a pity

  9. Looks very nice! You all probably get a lot of reading done during the winter when it's too cold to do other things. We get a lot of reading done during the summer when it's too hot to do other things! :)

  10. You probably have more ardent readers there because of the long winters. This facility looks very nice.

  11. Hi again, Pat. Thanks for the comment. We had a pretty bad storm earlier, perhaps one of the bands from the hurricane. Now, things have calmed down. I think we're out of harm's way for the most part, although they have closed the schools for tomorrow. The main brunt of the storm will be north of us. We're in the middle of the state (it's about 75 miles to the Atlantic Ocean - East, and about 75 miles to Cedar Key on the Gulf of Mexico. So our main concerns are flooding and trees coming down and tornadoes. The last hurricane here was in 2004 just before we moved to Ocala. I remember lots of big trees laying on the ground. I guess we had a minor one later, but we watched that from our back deck! :)

    Hope you have a wonderful Friday and a super weekend! I've been watching golf tournaments in Ontario - the men last week and the women this week. It looks so lush and beautiful up there.

  12. i thought about 'city day' hitting today. glad you'll be back in fence land next week. :)

  13. I could probably spend hours browsing here. It looks like a classic "clean well-lighted place" for books.

  14. It looks so cozy there! I used to spend a lot of time at the Branch in Bayview. It was also a small one, but the parking was convenient.

  15. Certainly a place where I should feel comfortable

  16. It is wonderful to read that your libraries are in demand.

  17. My Uncle was a war veteran. Sunny brook was where he went when he was on death's bed. I used to go to the huge Library with which had floors. I understood they
    closed it. Did they?
