Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

A shot of my mum's Christmas tree to set the mood for the day. She has hundreds of decorations, many of them antiques! Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it!!


  1. That's a beauty, Pat. Makes me nostalgic for years gone by! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  2. It is a wonderful tree which was when I was a child. My grandma had the same. Ity took a lot of time to decorate it.

  3. I love that tree and all those ornaments. I too have a huge collection. I have most of my grandmother's ornaments so I know those are antiques. Merry Christmas!

  4. Beautifully dressed Christmas tree. I wish you a Merry Christmas !

  5. And Merry Christmas to you, too. My daughter relieved me of many of the ornaments she felt were not too fragile to be on the tree of an active 18 month old child, and yet there were still enough ornaments to fill out the tree at my house quite nicely.
