Sunday, December 11, 2016

New Favourite

I went for a walk down a street beside Casa Loma that I haven't been down in a couple of years and there was a new house where two other houses had been. This is the view from the front but the side views are just as interesting with different levels and planes - I love it. The architect firm for this one is Hariri Pontarini who are known for a lot of high end projects around town. Rumour has it that this one cost many millions $$$ to build!


  1. That looks like a modern office complex! Wow! I'd love to see the inside. The rich do this kind of thing along our Atlantic coast...they'll buy an older home right on the ocean, tear it down, and then build a magnificent new mansion. I wonder what the annual property taxes are on a place like this. I've seen one tax form for a coastal mansion and the property taxes were $180,000 per year!

  2. Oh wow, this one is very appealing to me too! I'd love to take peek inside.

  3. It looks vaguely like a factory, if you squint quite a bit.

  4. Agreed. It is nice, though my own tastes are usually more traditional. Going to show us the sides?

  5. I like it too! I would love a peek at the inside.

  6. This house looks a great deal like 1950s-60s modern with it's poured concrete walls and Arts and Crafts inspired lines. Perhaps this is an indication at some people make too much money?

  7. very modern! I'm super curious about the interior!

  8. Well it really is different Pat, tres modern. I think it's definitely one of those designs you either love or hate, would love to see inside 😊

  9. I'd love to see inside. I think I like it.

  10. I'm sure it does cost plenty. I'd really enjoy seeing inside too!

  11. That's a very nice new modern house. I love its design.

  12. I'm warming to this modern look. nice nice house, P

  13. I would love to see inside this gorgeous modern house.
