Thursday, December 15, 2016

Ravine Gate

This gate probably led to a home which had been in this ravine along the Humber River but since Hurricane Hazel in 1954 there have been no homes allowed in the floodplain of the river. The small wall on the right side shows the flagstones which are found along much of the Humber River and which have been used in many local gardens. My parents have a patio of these stones.


  1. Sad homes were destroyed, but it's still a very lovely scene. :)

  2. This is such a pretty fall scene!

  3. What a lovely photo! I had no idea that a hurricane had ever hit Toronto, so I learned something new today.

  4. That is a fence and wall to remind people that it might be private property, but not to really keep anyone out. Never good to build on a river floodplain, so the ban on building is probably wise.

  5. Stonewalls & pillars are works of art! Beautiful image!

  6. Love the gate, the leaves, the stones - everything! Gorgeous ravine!

  7. That's a nice fall image. The gate adds its character to the scene.

  8. I like mysteries like this. The who and what happen arouse me curiosity.

  9. Oh now I'm wondering what the home behind that lovely gate would have been like Pat, mother nature can be harsh!

  10. Goodness, this lovely spot reminds me of a place where I enjoy visiting, just for lingering and reflecting. Beautiful patio I'm sure too, they were lucky to get it from here!
