Sunday, January 22, 2017

Heritage Bank Building

I've always been intrigued by this bank building in the Mount Dennis neighbourhood at the busy corner of Eglinton Ave & Weston Rd. I think it is the large round window that attracts the attention. The building was in danger of being demolished as part of LRT construction along Eglinton until the local community banded together to have the property heritage protected with the section on the left declared a wonderful example of post WWll bank branch design. It was constructed in 1949 and the modern addition on the right was added in 1981-2.


  1. Nice to declare this building a post wwII building monument but when I am honest I don't think its a real nice example.

  2. So glad they didn't tear it down. It's an interesting building and different and we need lots of those to spice up our lives a bit. I wonder it the circular window serves any additional purpose other than just a window?

  3. That round window does catch the eye immediately. It makes me wonder what the original purpose of it was. I sure love the sky in this shot.

  4. So glad it was saved! I like that round window too.

  5. Nice when unique buildings are saved.

  6. I suppose I'm glad they retain such historic buildings though I can't say I really like this one.

  7. I think it's the round window that really makes the building.

  8. important modern artifact. And yes, I love that ROUND!

  9. Glad they saved the building. The round window is an eye catcher for sure. I like the way the red sign on the building stands out with the dark cloudy sky. Nice shot!

  10. Nice that they saved the building. It has quite a modern design about it and I also like the bright, red signage.

  11. Interesting that they are preserving buildings from that era. The round window is what grabs my eyes.
