Thursday, January 12, 2017

Ravine Path in Snow

I went back to the ravine while we still had some well worn snow to give you a look in winter. The footing is still a bit tricky but the path is well used by people with dogs despite that!


  1. This looks just like it does around here! My dog Misty would be up that path in seconds! After she rolls in the snow a bit!

  2. Just the spot for a winter picture! I'm not surprised the seat is empty!

  3. I'm not sure I own a pair of shoes or boots that would be good for walking in the snow any longer. Obviously, the people using this path were prepared.

  4. Looks like fun if you like to play in snow. Is that hill in the background used for sledding? I would have fun here, too, except I'm allergic to snow and all things cold. Except for beer. And ice cream.

  5. It reminds me of a ravine near my aunt and uncle's place in Mississauga, actually. Lovely sight!

  6. A lovely place to walk, peaceful and pretty.

  7. Regarding your comment, the Napoleon exhibit closed up this past weekend, but there are ongoing exhibits at the Museum of Nature or the National Gallery, for instance.

  8. My dogs would love a good run there.

  9. How lovely! I guess it is too cold to sit on that bench for very long.

  10. Too cold for me. And I grew up in North Dakota, only 50 miles from the Canadian border.

  11. Merci beaucoup Pat, I love seeing your winter scenes. I have reciprocated by posting summer shots for you :)

  12. That looks so neat. We had a dusting of snow which was gone by noon. Darn!

  13. A lot of snow you have Pat. Around here this year very little.
