Sunday, February 12, 2017

I'll Show You How

The grey squirrel from yesterday's post scurried up the pole and jumped onto the ring with no trouble and after that this black one had no trouble at all. I think she may have been the matriarch of the local squirrels because eventually there were about 6 of them around and when she wanted to get a peanut they all backed off and let her get one!


  1. Oh what fun we have watching the birds and animals! Thanks for taking us to the circus, and showing us the heart of animals too <3

  2. It looks good!No waste of food:)

  3. She's a good matriarch, leading the way and passing on her knowledge.

  4. They certainly are determined little critters! I've never seen a peanut ring before. That is a great idea.

  5. Like an episode of Mission Impossible.

  6. That's a great squirrel jungle gym you have there! How cute -- the entertainment value is certainly doubly worth the price of the peanuts. (Thanks for sharing the antics with s).

  7. You have black squirrels AND gray squirrels. I only see gray squirrels. (Not my faves . . . )

  8. I guess it was lesson time for Mr. Grey Squirrel. Great capture!

  9. Too funny, and so happy they're out there and not in my house!
