Sunday, April 9, 2017

Another Spring First

Yesterday's chipmunk was busy feeding under the bird feeders when this ground hog appeared and being at least 20 times larger than chippie it soon had the whole place to its self. I've never seen one around the feeders before.


  1. Hello, the groundhog looks huge. It must be hungry! Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  2. Oh my gosh, what an amazing sighting. I don't think I've ever seen a groundhog in the wild.

  3. We've got them on campus, but I haven't seen any of them out yet. This one looks like it got through the winter quite well.

  4. So he is the guilty one that caused chippie to run away, I would have ran away too :) Never have seen ground hog before. Amazing!

  5. A groundhog. I have seen 'em only in the movies. (One of my favorites.)

  6. This ground hog was probably hungry after its long winters nap. Feeders are a perfect place for it to get a sizable meal.

  7. Another cutie!
    Have a Happy Day, Pat.
    Peace :)

  8. The usual sighting of a groundhog is squashed in the middle of the road.

  9. That is quite a large fellow! We have one hanging around our barn. Not good.....

  10. Throwing it's weight around, so to speak.

  11. Nothing like a big ol' groundhog. We have them here and they really mess up the lawns. Fortunately, there's a groundhog guy who is very good at catching and dispatching them!
