Saturday, July 8, 2017

Baby Bunny

I was doing repeats on the stairs leading up to Casa Loma when I spotted this wee bunny munching on grass beside the steps. It was really tiny - only about 6 inches long and seemed to be fearless since I passed by it 6 times and he was just busy eating paying no attention to all the tourists going by. I kept wondering where mum was as I don't think she would be amused to know he was so close to humans!
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. So sweet!
    Have a great week-end!

  2. Hello, what a great sighting of the sweet bunny. Cute photo.

    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. What a sweetheart! We have quite a few bunny families around here, and it always amazes me how young they are as they first run about! They are a joy to have around.

  4. Oh what a wee sweetie Pat, I hope mum isn't too far away.. you were lucky to spot it there.

  5. How cute! I agree, mum would not be happy.

  6. The wildlife are doing very well in the city.

  7. Cute little wild bunny. Now I'm going to get up and do my stairs! :)

  8. Too young to be wise about the ways of humans.

  9. What a cute little bunny. Great find.

  10. Aww I've such a soft spot for wee bunnies!

  11. Oodles and oodles of bunnies around here, too, this year.

  12. I'm impressed! Up and down six times?

  13. Hello!:) Super shot of the sweet little bunny. Adorable really!!:)
