Thursday, August 17, 2017

Crabapple Trees

This is the lovely seating area in the small park, Courthouse Square, which I showed you yesterday. The original square had crabapple trees planted in it and in reference to those this area is surrounded by espaliered crabapple trees combined with rose vines which will grow up along those arches. I saw a spring pic of this area and it is well planted with spring bulbs too. I was there early on a Sunday morning so no one was around but it is usually a busy place!


  1. What a beautiful place to stop and sit down for a minute!

  2. Hello, looks lovely. The vines will be pretty in bloom. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  3. What a pretty place. I would like sitting there and enjoying the view.

  4. I remember crab-apple trees from my youth in North Dakota. I occasionally tried to eat one but they were just too tart for me then.

  5. oh a nice space with Belgian Block cobblestones!

  6. A lovely place, especially without the crowds.

  7. A nice place to spend a little time before the crowds come.

  8. A lovely spot to si awhile Pat.. you'll have to go back and get that spring shot for us!

  9. I love all the green and the style pf the benches.
    A nice place.

  10. Great place to visit and especially on Sunday, that is always a good time to stroll places!
