Friday, August 11, 2017

Dancing In The Neighbourhood

The Seaton Village neighbourhood has been the site of Porch Dances for the last several years. People gather on the street outside of the first house on the event and are entertained by a family dancing on the porch and are then led onto the next location by that man visible in the pic with the tall hat & megaphone. There are usually a couple of detours on the way such as this one where he led us down a laneway to the lot of the local food co-op where 2 women danced for us. This pic was taken on the first of the 5 nights the event was held. Lots of people came out to enjoy it!


  1. Definitely not a dull affair

  2. Porch dancing - what a fun idea!

  3. What a fun event Pat, I bet those involved look forward to it each year.

  4. Hello, sounds like a fun evening. There is a nice crowd there too. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  5. Sounds fun. That's not caught on here yet.

  6. What great fun this must have been. The good times. come through your photo.

  7. Fun in the hood, let's dance!

  8. Sounds like an interesting and fun event!

  9. Pat, that looks like a great event for the community and lots of fun, too.

  10. This is what fun is all about, togetherness!
