Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Good Rebel

It was the wee chick that attracted my attention in this shop window along Dundas St W and then I realized that the Good Rebel is a 100%vegan grocery store. Apparently they serve great sandwiches and have a large variety of vegan cheeses, meats etc. I have to go back when they are open and try one of their famous sandwiches!  
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. What a cute sign! It would have attracted my attention too.

  2. Definitely eye-catching Pat.. meatless sandwiches are super delicious.. cheese, cheese and more cheese 😀

  3. You caught my attention and if I were there, I'd give it a try!

  4. It seems strange that Vegans would use a chicken as their logo. I would think a colorful sign featuring garden produce would be more in line with their philosophy!


  5. The artist... a friend of Uber5000? ;)

  6. Sounds good place to do business.

    Coffee is on

  7. Great sign but I wonder what a chicken has to do with a vegetarian grocery unless the clients are grain eaters like the chicken on the window an as so directly compared.

  8. Hello,the chick is cute. I would like to try their food. Have a happy day and weekend ahead!
