Monday, September 25, 2017

Forest Utility Box

I spotted this beautiful utility box in the Forest Hill neighbourhood. Rather than being painted on the box it looks like it is a vinyl covering. I really like it and it adds a bit of something to the streetscape which is not the usual thing for these boxes. 
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Hello, it is pretty. Looks like a forest, love the greenery! Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

  2. Love that they've matched it to the name of the neighborhood Pat, it looks fabulous!

  3. A perfect idea! It would look especially nice in a treeless area too!

  4. Nice one. If it also could change CO2 in C and O2 it would be perfect.

  5. I would think this would be especially nice to look at one a cold, wintry day!

  6. I love these too! I have seen them in many cities on this trip.

  7. I love this one. It looks like you could just walk into a little magical forest and escape the city.

  8. Very nice!
    Have a wonderful week!

  9. Beautiful. Amazing what they can do with vinyl these days.

  10. How cool is that? Love it -- we have a short telephone utility box on the street side of our canal cottage -- it is very annoying because hardly anyone uses landlines any more anyway, but there it is! I wonder if we would be allowed to camouflage it in this way.

  11. I kind of like this idea, they have done this in Calgary as well in some places.

  12. All utility boxes should be so nicely decorated

  13. That is terrific art on that utility box, but it is hard to see the forest for all the trees.

  14. Wow, it almost looks like you are seeing through it. Remarkable.

  15. It looks like you can just step into that forest. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  16. I love it! t reminds me of one I saw and photographed last year in Naples but didn't post.
