Saturday, September 9, 2017

Full Cheeks

As fall approaches the chipmunks are busy gathering food to store a way for winter and this guy was spending the day trying to empty this bird feeder. Just look at the size of those cheeks! He would fill up and then leave for a few minutes and then return for another load - he definitely won't go hungry this winter.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. We saw chipmunks in Banff, and could there ever be a more cute critter.

  2. What a great photo! I did not know chipmunks could climb. I have seen them on the ground only.
    Have a wonderful week-end!

  3. Why, yes!
    What a beautiful moment to capture and share with all of us!!
    Have a Happy Weekend, Pat!
    Peace :)

  4. He knows all the best places to stock up for winter Pat ☺ very cute capture here.

  5. They're very busy stocking the larder. Once they're in for the winter in their quarters, you won't see them until spring.

  6. That looks a lot harder than driving to the supermarket. Although the past few days the supermarkets have been rather dangerous what with people struggling to find water and food and batteries, etc. :) Cute shot!

  7. Cheeks packed to the max! Cute picture!

  8. What a cute little guy with his cheeks all puffed out. I hope he has a safe place to spend the winter.

  9. So cute! They are filling up at my feeders too!

  10. Hello, Cute capture of the Chipmunk. They learn where the good food is, great photo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  11. Except when their progress is interrupted by chipmunk-crazy dogs. :-)

  12. Cute photo! He's filling up and now he has to remember the secret places he hid them. :)

  13. Fantastic shot of the chipmunk eating away ~ thanks, ^_^

    (A ShutterBug Explores)

  14. Oh my goodness that is one mouthful!
