Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Rose Mallow

This Rose Mallow flower has to have been 8" across and gorgeous! Apparently they are perennial Hibiscus that even survive the winters up here and flower from mid June until the frost finally hits them. I may have to try growing one of these!


  1. Hello, we only see them in the summer. It would be nice to see these pretties in the winter. Enjoy your day!

  2. We had several large hibiscus plants at our first house in Ocala and they made it through out winters even when we got days down in the high 20s or low 30s. I think they're beautiful and sturdy. You were right about the birthday party! Start bragging!

    We made it through the night OK. It was very scary - sounded like a monster train was running over the house and you couldn't see a thing. But we were lucky. Yesterday late we drove around a bit and saw a lot of debris, some trees down, many signs gone, but nothing really bad, except the power was out and that meant the stop lights were out and we must have seen a half a dozen accidents in 15 miles! We lost power about 2 AM and didn't get it back until late last night.

  3. That is an amazing flower. Sheer perfection!

  4. I love the hibiscus flowers. We used to grow them in pots and would bring them inside when the weather turned cold.

  5. Would make a beautiful addition to any garden Pat, it sounds like a really hardy plant!

  6. Lovely things are happening as summer comes to an end.
    PS: My last Monday Night photo was taken in Halifax, NS.

  7. What a lovely colour that flower is ...

    All the best Jan

  8. Very common in places around here, too, but rarely have I seen any that even approached 8".

  9. Such a lovely flower, perfection in every detail!

  10. Me encanta el Hibisco Pat. Es precioso.
