Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Protector

I was shooting a pic of a mural on the side of a wall when this guy came staring over the top at me. He did not seem to be amused that I would be looking at his building and I was glad he was way up there and not down with me! I'll show you the mural on Monday.
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. What an unusual thing to happen!
    Have a wonderful week-end!

  2. Hello, that seems like a crazy spot for the dog to be. I hope it stayed safe up there. Great shot. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. You are so brave. ᘳ´• ᴥ •`ᘰ

  4. Oh yikes! I'm glad he was up there too Pat, he's a wee bit scary looking ☺

  5. at least the dog realized it would be stupid to jump down

  6. Oh my, that happened to me once before too. I was taking a photo of an old and empty church building when a guard dog stuck his head out of an upper floor window. Judging from the tone of his bark he was telling me to get lost.

  7. He's a sturdy looking dog and doing a good job of patrolling his building!

  8. Roof dogs that are used as guards are common in Mexico but I am surprised to see it here.

  9. A nice looking dog but I wouldn't want to mess with him. Good eye!

  10. When we lived in Mexico, it seemed like nearly every house had a dog living on the roof. We called them "roof dogs". It could provide quite a fright as one was walking down the sidewalk and suddenly one or more of those rascals would peer over the edge and start up a tremendous barking.

  11. I saw a dog once on a second story window ledge not a foot wide, in NYC! This reminded me of that.

  12. wonder what the dog was doing up there?

  13. Oh my! He does not look friendly at all.

  14. I expect to see that in Mexico not here!

  15. No, he does not look especially friendly.

  16. I guess the dog was just doing his job.... looking after the place :-)
