Tuesday, October 24, 2017


At the beginning of October there was a ceremony at the Ontario Fire Fighters Memorial at Queens Park to honour firefighters who had sacrificed their lives in service to the people of Ontario. Most of the deaths were due to job related health issues which have become a real problem for firefighters. It was a very moving ceremony with pipers from many of the various forces in the province leading the parade. I'll show you a bit more for the next couple of days.


  1. It's a dangerous profession for sure Pat, they are heroes indeed! I love the bagpipes and they are so perfect for a moving, solemn ceremony such as this.

  2. Great Heroes as we know in California!

  3. They are heroes and these pipers are turned out so well! I'm sure it was a great parade.

  4. It is important that we honour these brave public servants. An impressive photo of the musicians with appropriate music.

  5. Always impressive to hear and see pipers.

  6. Hello, great photo. I wish I could hear their bagpipes. Sounds like a lovely ceremony! The firefighters are heroes. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  7. I love hearing bagpipes. This is a nice tribute. I read an article just this morning about the high rates of cancer in firefighters due to the chemicals they are exposed to when fighting fires. It's very scary.

  8. I can imagine all that smoke takes a toll on the body

  9. That must have been a very colorful ceremony and an honor well deserved. I do love that gorgeous red plaid of their kilts.

  10. Love listening to a pipe band. There is just something stirring about their music.

  11. No doubt some of them were here participating in the national service in September.

  12. I read something the other day whereby a firefighter said the danger is not in the fire that's in the future but the one you already fought, which I think means that they breathe in so much smoke, etc., in a fire which doesn't really do its full damage to one's body until later.

    Beautiful photo of this ceremony, Pat!

  13. I am familiar with monument. The statue with the firefighter carrying the child is very moving.

  14. Hi Pat. Thanks for your comment. I modified that post because I didn't want to get into any political arguments on a CDP blog. I have another blog I do that with! :))

  15. Playing of the pipes is always a pleasure to see and hear. Great photo Pat.

  16. LIke the fella who has disappeared behind his drum. :-)

  17. Nice to see the fallen and ill, honored.

  18. I can't imagine what they go through. Heroes.

  19. Love the bagpipes. And firefighters are especially loved here in California!
