Friday, October 27, 2017

Soldiers' Tower

I liked this view of the Soldiers' Tower at Hart House at the U of Toronto just peeking over the top of the trees with their long autumn shadows. The Gothic style tower was built in 1924 and contains a carillon of 51 cast bronze bells as well as having the names of students and alumni who lost their lives in war engraved in the walls of the ground floor passageway.


  1. ...51 bells, that must make a quite a sound.

  2. I've always thought it to be a particularly beautiful part of that campus.

  3. That really does make for a pretty photo!

  4. What a pretty view! Many years ago, I managed a bank branch that actually had a carillon and bell tower. I used to have to change the music in the carillon for the different seasons.
    Thanks for that comment about the monarch butterfly. You are so right, that poor little thing had better start moving south.

  5. Very pretty! I'll bet the bells sound wonderful.

  6. Wonderful to have a carillon tower, but how sad that it honors soldiers lost in a war.

  7. 51 bells. You know they've got some weight to them.

  8. I would love to hear the bells ring!
    What a nice memorial to the soldiers

  9. Nice view and very pretty. I would love to hear those bells ringing. You must be able to hear them miles away.

  10. I really like how you composed this shot with the tower towering over the trees! What a beautiful sight. I'm reminded of Leonard Cohen's song, Anthem, which repeats this line over and over again:

    "Ring the bells that still can ring
    Forget your perfect offering
    There is a crack in everything,
    That's how the light gets in..."

  11. I can imagine hearing these 51 bells, magnificent!

  12. Estupendo enfoque Pat. Está preciosa saliendo entre los árboles.
