Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Infill Houses

I'm betting that these two houses in the Hillcrest neighbourhood were built on the lot of what had been a single home. I like the one on the left for its windows but like the porch on the right- hand one so it would be a hard choice between them for me.


  1. Pat you have a knack for finding the unique.

  2. Hello, they are both cute places. I like the house on the right, it has a nice porch and upper deck . Enjoy your day!

  3. They do look like they are new additions to the neighborhood. I'm with you and choosing a favorite, The windows on the left one are great but the porch on the right one is also attractive. Yesterday I was walking around an area where I used to live many, many years ago when I had my fist apartment. I was surprised to see quite a lot of "in-fill" going on in that neighborhood with one new condo complex after another squeezed in between the houses.

  4. ...man oh man, land must be expensive.

  5. We see in fill houses like this here as well. I find the style tends to clash too much with older neighbourhoods.

  6. Fantastic find. I like them both and am pleased to see them in the neighborhood, but I'd have to check out the interiors before I decided which one punched my buttons enough to buy it. Well, I'd also have to rob a few banks to get the necessary funds to buy it! :)

  7. I am thinking the porch swings it for me!

  8. Oh I agree, but I wonder what the inside is like? I bet they might be different and interesting to see!

  9. Looks like both houses have top decks. I can imagine a cocktail hour where the occupants of the two homes toast each other with a clink, clink.

  10. I agree, although it looks like there might be a porch up top.

  11. Nice, so long as you like stairs, I guess.

  12. I like these two houses. They slide in nicely between the old. I would go with the one on the left simply because I like windows. I wonder what the neighbors think about these new additions.

  13. Yes the big windows are appealing but just think how nice it would be sitting on that verandah Pat 😊 two houses squashed onto one space, that's clever!

  14. Moderna muy origial arquitectura.

  15. Not sure which one I like. It looks like the neighbours could shake hands across the small space between the upper decks.

  16. I might favor the one on the right. Porch and balcony. Maybe I need to go inside and also see what is at the rear of the buildings.
