Sunday, November 5, 2017

Oldie but Goodie

There are 2 of these Volvo 544 cars in our neighbourhhood, this one and a red one both in great condition but what I like about this one is the sunroof. These cars were made from 1958 to 66 but I'm not sure what year this one is!


  1. I have always bought cars with sunroofs; it give me the illusion of being in a convertible. I have a terrific imagination. Great photo of the car and I love the dappled spots of light.

  2. ...a popular model when I was in college.

  3. I always enjoy seeing older cars -they seem to have more personality than the new ones
    Have a wonderful day!

  4. you don't see many of those around anymore

  5. Popping in to say that I appreciated the Beware Skeletons post and simply love the On The Alert photo.


  6. This brings back a ton of memories. We bought a red 1958 Volvo which had many good things about it but it always ran hot. So, we got rid of that. Later, we bought a 1960 Volvo, also red. That was a disaster. (These were both new or almost new cars). We drove the 1960 from Scottsdale, Arizona to Minneapolis with our 9-month old son and one huge German Shepherd dog. The car ran hot the entire way which kept me frightened the whole way. I got rid of that as soon as we got back to Phoenix. Never bought another Volvo and never will, even though I know they are good cars! :)

  7. What a classic car, with great character. Thanks for sharing and nice photo!

  8. Someone has taken really good care of this car. It looks great. Is that a touch of red I see inside?

  9. I didn't even know they had sunroofs on cars back then.

  10. Lucky car... it is younger than me. (☉.̫☉)

  11. The car is a beauty and well cared for.

  12. This is a classic car shape. At first glance I thought it was a 1930-40 Ford, but no. Is it a Saab?, no. Of course it is a Volvo. These cars have a great reputation, but I'm not sure why. All the Volvo owners I have known have had trouble with their cars. This one looks great, especially in your photo.

  13. Wow, this is impressive! It looks great for its age.

  14. Lovely car and build for winters.

  15. I do see a few out on the roads in Sweden every now and then. I doubt that the sunroof is original.

  16. Hello, it is a great car. I like the sunroof too. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

  17. This is a car I haven't seen before.

  18. Todo un clásico. Está estupendo!!!
