Monday, November 27, 2017

Raccoons Out On The Town

This is yet another mural from the same laneway we have been touring for the last few Mondays. These whimsical raccoons are by artist Emily Mae Rose and I have been seeing them in several spots around town. Our population of raccoons is huge so she would have lots of models to work from. 
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Hello, those raccoons look like they are having fun. Great mural.

    Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  2. Love the playful raccoons in this mural. Excellent find and well photographed.

  3. You find some great murals! Raccoons are fun creatures unless they tear up your garbage. When we lived in Pennsylvania, they'd climb up a flight of stairs on the back on the house and remove the lids from the garbage cans and make a huge mess. And they were impossible to stop!

  4. They're so cute, like little bandits with their eye masks on up to no good there 😀 This laneway has been a real treat Pat ✨

  5. Those raccoons look like they are having a grand time all together.

  6. We have the little bandits too. Nice mural, P

  7. I love it!
    Have a wonderful week!

  8. Nice one. Lets hope the graffiti artist stay away.

  9. What a wonderful mural. It must be nice just to walk done the lane and see all these lovely murals. Nice pic, Pat!

  10. How cute! I have a lot of raccoons in my neighborhood too. Just have to keep them out of the trash bins!

  11. The raccoon on the lower right seems to be having trouble reading the signature. Just like me. Our green recycle barrel was becoming an all night buffet for raccoons until we finally put a lid on it. Duh. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  12. Nice mural! I don't think I have ever seen a raccoon here. My son always laughs at Rocket Raccoon being called a Trash Panda.

  13. That is one rocking and colorful mural!
