Saturday, December 9, 2017

Ready For Winter

This chubby guy looks like he has packed on a lot of weight for the winter ahead and I'm hoping he doesn't have a hint that it is going to be a bad one. He was eating some kind of dried up fruit in a grocery store parking lot and agreed to pose for just a minute. He is one of our black squirrels but looks like he has a lot of the grey showing through too.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Chubby & cute & needing those extra calories!

  2. Hello, he is a chubby squirrel. I think he may have packed on a few extra pounds for winter. Great capture. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  3. Gosh he really was eating up a storm Pat.. love the expression ☺

  4. "His Chubbiness' brings back memories of almost tame black squirrels when we vacationed near Lake Simcoe.
    Thanks for sharing this photo.

  5. What a cute little guy. He does look like he has a winter layer of fat going on there.

  6. He certainly hasn't been going hungry!

  7. Someone looks well prepared for a cold winter.
    Lovely pose and capture!
    Have a Happy Weekend, Pat!
    Peace :)

  8. He's one smart squirrel. Eat a little now and maybe a little more later. :) He's certainly getting ready. If he has a touch of grey maybe he is an elder squirrel with lots of knowledge and experience. :)

  9. ...I've heard that we are in store for a warm winter!

  10. This is one real chunky squirrel. He must have good food supply.

  11. He also seems to be packing some poundage.

  12. Looks like he is going to the grocery on a daily basis. Smart guy.

  13. Well he's got to stay warm right!
