Friday, February 16, 2018

After The First Storm

This was taken last week after the first snow of the week but we had three more days of it after this one. The first chore for many people is to clear off the car, then clear your way out of the parking space and then hope the roads aren't too bad when you get out there. More fun to walk if you can!


  1. This is the way winters used to be. They were much more fun when I was kid.

  2. Oh I'm taking that snow envy back Pat! Looks pretty but I bet it can be hard going after a while!

  3. Oh yes, I remember those days from when I lived in Illinois. I used to put on my robe, put my coat on over the robe and then go out and start the car. Then go back in the house to get ready for work and by the time I came back out, the car would be warm and the windows cleared.

  4. I think I would definitely be walking!

  5. I'm huffing & puffing at the very idea of clearing so much snow!

  6. Looks like a real winter to me.

  7. What is that white stuff? We haven't seen much of it at all this so called winter. It was 80(f) yesterday. Going down into the 20's tonight.

  8. Looks like several inches of snow. Lots of cars to dig out here. Good show photo.

  9. That's typical for us. And of course at some point after a significant enough snowfall, they'll be coming to take the snowbanks away, and god help you if your car is parked there.

  10. Thanks for this, Pat. You've reminded me as to how difficult it is to do just the everyday things of daily life when you get hit with so much snow. I remember once in Chicago, we got 24 inches in one day. The kids were little and they climbed on top of the car to try to remove the snow. I made the mistake of somehow getting to work but I ended up being snowbound for 3 days! :)

  11. The best is when the car in front of you didn't bother to brush the snow off and it blows back onto your car lol...

  12. We'll be getting a snow storm just like this, a weak dusting last night and a greater amount on Sunday into Monday. It's going to be the same routine here too! I like this city scene and the house at the end of the street with dormers looks really nice.

  13. I don't miss those days at all. It does look pretty though.

  14. Ah. Snow. I remember that. But not with fondness.
