Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Another Queen St W Bar

This bar called Rhino has been in this location since 1992 but the building itself was built in 1909 as the Elm Grove Hotel. There are two halves to the building - the Romanesque 3-storey part on the right side and the Gothic 2-storey on the left but it is totally open inside and quite large. It looks like the side wall has been painted at some time in the past but the fronts have both been nicely restored and look great!
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  1. The two styles of architecture look good together

  2. That's a very cool looking place. I love those huge windows on the upper floors.

  3. I love both parts of the building. Very nice architecture, but they could fix up that funky wall on the right. I'd love to see the interior. For instance, is part of it residential?

  4. I can imagine it looks fabulous inside also Pat. Love the arched windows. I'm guessing it must be heritage protected?

  5. Looking good! The arched windows are great!

  6. Looks good in a typical american way.

  7. Always liked the looks for Romanesque buildings. Not sure the bar's name fits very well.

  8. Both buildings are beautiful and compliment each other well. I always have liked this look and architecture. It's very appealing.

  9. Hello, it is a beautiful building. I like the arched windows. Have a happy Thursday!

  10. It is beautiful, both the facade and the side!!!

  11. Very nice, and I like what appears to be a mural on the side of the building?
