Sunday, February 18, 2018

Sunny Day

This pic was taken before we got a major amount of snow last week. I've always liked the proportions of this house and the nice job that was done updating it since it is not a new house by any means. And the typical Toronto red bricks really like that sunshine!


  1. Beautiful!
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. It's been updated beautifully Pat, I'm not sure if you have shown it to us pre update, but it looks fab. Love the big tree in the front garden, bet it looks lovely in spring and summer too.

  3. What I find a little strange is the placement of the openings in the facade. Asymmetric placed but there must be a good reason for it. Not very common here.

  4. The dark brown windows look good with the red brick.

  5. This is such a great photo. I love that sun on the red brick. I'm looking at snow right now too. I'm in Oregon for the weekend and we had an unexpected snow storm. It's so pretty.

  6. I like the red brick a lot, nice looking house.

  7. Superb! Everything works here, Pat. The house itself, the colors, the way you framed it all, the fence, the pole, the birch tree, the pipe going up the wall on the left. Love it!

  8. A beautiful little house! It looks like a lovely place to call home.

  9. Cute place, I like how it's windows aren't centered, it looks odd but interesting.
