Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Hoop

This black squirrel was up on this hoop for at least ten minutes. You can't see it but behind her there is a cob of corn on a peg which is placed there for the squirrels and she is proceeding to eat the whole thing herself. A few others came by but she would let no one else near the food. This was taken at the Veterans Centre at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. What a great photo! I love it!

  2. Funny. I think some of our squirrels have become so accustomed to humans they're no longer afraid, probably a lot like this little rascal. We ran into a fox squirrel on the golf course the other day and he was digging in the earth and wasn't about to move. I almost ran over the darn thing! I think he was stashing away some goodies for Sunday dinner!

  3. Cute shot, it is amazing how well they can balance and still eat. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  4. She certainly knows where the good food is!

  5. It definitely looks well nourished!!

  6. He's found himself a good food source and he's holding on to it.

  7. A fine squirrel balancing act, and the squirrel got lunch as well.

  8. The way he is sitting there, looks like the ring is perfectly made for him.

  9. First come, first served. This squirrel takes those words very seriously so nobody is going to touch or eat the cob of corn except herself. :)

  10. ...going through a loop for a meal!

  11. Pretty good balance: staying on the hoop, eating the corn and chasing away other uninvited guests!

  12. Cute looking animal. Its looking wel after itself.

  13. Sign him up for Barnum and Bailey or Cirque du Soleil!

  14. The black squirrels always amaze me Pat, I guess it's a bit like our black swans ☺ look at that gorgeous tail!

  15. I wonder if the person who put the cob of corn there, thought it'd be easier for birds and well a bit tricky for squirrels?
