Thursday, March 1, 2018

March Theme: "Play"

The March theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is Play and since play in Canada in the winter often involves snow or ice I headed down to the skating rink in front of our city hall early on a Sunday morning. It is a good time to get the little kids out onto the ice before the rink gets crowded by big people later in the day. You can see part of or Old City Hall in the background to the right and the wonderful wedge-shaped building of the Bell Trinity Square to the left.  
Taking part in the theme Play. Click HERE to see more Play from around the world.


  1. Remember having great fun on the ice as a kid. Where is your hockey stick?

  2. I haven't skated in years. What a perfect setting to find people at play.

  3. Can you believe that I grew up in Illinois and never learned to ice skate. I'm not sure why that is. It does look like fun.

  4. Outdoor fun!
    Raining here today
    Hope you are having a wonderful week!

  5. That is some skating rink. I think I prayed for such a rink when I was a kid!

  6. I can certainly see the draw of that rink!

  7. On of the few times the rink is not crowed.

  8. Interesting light bars over the rink.

  9. Fun times! Canada must have lots of outdoor rinks for the people to take advantage of. Great shot for the theme, Pat.

  10. I admired the clamshell buildings when I was there many decades ago. Do they still exist?

  11. It hasn't been a great year for winter sports in Virginia.

  12. Perfect choice for the theme and the season!

  13. Fun in the snow and on the ice sounds so fantastic to me Pat! Perfect for the theme.

  14. It's stuff like this that makes winter easier to survive!

  15. Isn't that fun. Did you get out on the ice?
