Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Press At Night

I was at the Exhibition grounds a few weeks ago to see an art show and when I came out the Press building was all lit up and looking quite good. This Beaux Arts beauty was built in 1905 and is the oldest building on the Exhibition grounds built specifically for the exhibition. It is no longer functioning as the press building but is now used to house the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) staff. That funny streak in the sky was a helicopter flying by. I'll show you a daytime pic from last fall in tomorrow's post.


  1. Nice building and capture, Pat

  2. Glad to see the CNE still has classy buildings to show off.

  3. It's very beautiful! Such a lovely glow to it all.

  4. It looks pretty impressive all lit up like that.

  5. This is such a gorgeous photo and the helicopter really sets it off. When I read about the CNE I thought immediately of a show I've been watching on Nexflix about an Australian National Building Authority (or something like that!). They're supposed to be building iconic Aussie structures but the never get anything done because of how the bureaucracy works! It's hilarious! And only too true. That's the way bureaucracies work!

  6. So nice to see it glowing against the dark sky!

  7. The floodlighting looks most attractive.

  8. We still have 1904 World's Fair buildings in Forest Park.

  9. It's beautiful and looks great all lit up. Nice one, Pat!

  10. It makes me so happy when these old beauties get repurposed. This is a gorgeous building Pat, looks good under lights 😊

  11. Hello, it does look pretty at night! Have a happy day!
