Saturday, July 7, 2018

Dog Park

This was taken a few weeks ago at the Wychwood Barns on a coolish Saturday morning before the heat hit us. The farmers market was taking place just to the left of this pic while the dogs roamed about in the off-leash area. There were several more big dogs off to the right who were having a minor power struggle which often seems to be the case in these areas.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Lots of doggy personalities here Pat, bound to be a wee bit of argy bargy 😀

  2. Dogs Parks are great places for dogs in a city. The Dog Park in Tupelo is divided into two sections - one for small dogs, and one for large dogs. It is a nice place for dogs and their owners to socialize
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I haven't been to the dog park in ages. There is always a treasure trove of photos there as the dogs run and run and the "people" try to keep up with them.

  4. I can just imagine all the wagging tails.

  5. Our city built a dog park. The naysayers said no one would come. 700+ people signed up.

  6. Hello, it is nice to see the dogs all getting along. The dog parks are great!

    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  7. It's a doggie playground, I love it.

  8. I took the BRD's dog Wrigley to a local dog park once or twice. He loved it. Now she's down to just three humongous fat cats. Well, and Beau Jack.

  9. There's a whole lot of fun happening!
