Thursday, July 26, 2018

Photo Shoot

While heading up the steep stairs that lead to Casa Loma I came upon this photo shoot. The guy on the right was shooting the fellow on the left in various poses including having him climb up to the top of that pillar he is leaning on. The other fellow seemed to be an assistant. I'm not sure what the pics were for.


  1. Hello,

    I like the silhouettes of the group. Nice view of the skyline too.
    Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. I wonder if it was some sort of advertising campaign. Years ago when I worked for several months in San Francisco, I saw a similar scene at a bus stop in the city. About one year later I was in New York at the theatre and as I paged through the Playbill, I saw an ad with that very same scene from San Francisco in it.

  3. From what you describe, it must be advertising.

  4. Very well composed shot. The silhouetes are the subject, but do not dominate the picture.

  5. Haha probably for Instagram or Snapchat. Nice view!!

  6. ...I enjoy stumbling upon scene like this.

  7. I like this scene. It has the perfect background.

  8. A happy surprise. I love seeing the skyline on the side. Nice composition, I say you probably got the best photo opp there. Nice shot, Pat!

  9. I also like the silhouetted figures. There is no telling what professional photographers are doing.
