Sunday, September 9, 2018

High Park House

For some reason I don't wander around in the High Park neighbourhood very often although I should since there are some beautiful homes in the area. I love this one that I spotted one morning last week.


  1. Hello,

    It is a pretty house with pretty curb appeal. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  2. Okay, you have me very curious! Of course my first glance was at the lovely house (truly too) but wow, my attention immediately went to the brown paper sack. What do we have here? Was thinking it was protecting something, but then it didn't really look natural for that spot. More to come tomorrow I'm guessing?

  3. That is a beauty! I love the way the gable is shaped and they have landscaped beautifully too.

  4. Karen: the paper bag is for leaves and garden waste that the city picks up and composts and then makes available to people during special drop off times in each community. There is usually pickup every second week from spring through the fall.

  5. Beautiful house and well taken care of. Thanks for explaining the bag, I was curious too.

  6. I think I recognize the organics bag.

  7. Much better than the cookie cutter housing we have in the present day subdivisions.

  8. Such an appealing house Pat and so beautifully looked after. Wonder what architectural style you call it?
