Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Art Of Shoes

Almost across the road from the owl mural that I showed you on Monday is the Bata Shoe Museum and during my Open Streets walk along Bloor St I spotted this poster for a current show. This is a travelling retrospective show of Manolo Blahnik shoes spanning 45 years of work and this is the only North American stop. I haven't seen it yet but it has had great reviews and the museum itself is a really interesting place. 
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. A shoe museum! I know a few people who love shoes - they would be very happy there!
    For myself, I go for comfort, not for style
    Have a great day!

  2. Oh my gosh, that is my kind of museum. I'd love to see that show! I do have one pair of Manolo shoes that I bought at a second hand shop. They are just a pair of plain flats but I love them.

  3. Oh I would love to see that show!

  4. Saw some interesting shoe styles in Spain the last couple of weeks.

  5. A shoe museum, that is interesting. I hope your day is great!

  6. Who knew there was a shoe museum, interesting indeed! That shoe looks very uncomfortable.

  7. I m not really what you might call a "shoe person", but I saw this exhibit and it is indeed fascinating.

  8. Those shoes might appeal to some women. They look like Medieval torture devices to me.

  9. That could be interesting to see.

  10. A shoe Museum, I would love to visit. Nice sign.

  11. I haven't been a big fan of stylish shoes since I fell in the middle of a city street wearing my very last pair of platform shoes. I think I'm still embarrassed.

  12. Aimee would be there in a flash Pat 😊

  13. I've never been to a shoe museum. Interesting.
