Thursday, September 13, 2018


One of my reasons for visiting the Toronto Botanical Garden was to see ZimSculpt which is an exhibition of hand-carved stone sculptures by contemporary Zimbabwean artists. The pieces are displayed throughout the gardens and came in all sizes. This was probably the largest of the pieces. You can see where they have had to put a temporary barrier around it to keep people from climbing onto it! The exhibition is here for 2 months and during that time there are 2 artists displaying and working on pieces. I'll show you a few more pieces for a couple of days.


  1. Hello, what a pretty sculpture. Sounds like a great garden to visit and see the sculptures. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. ...the raised fist adds some power to the work.

  3. Beautifully elegant sculpture Pat, again I can't believe people would try and climb on it! Very much looking forward to seeing more ✨

  4. It is lovely! I guess people will do anything now, but climbing on this I do not understand.

  5. What a beautiful sculpture. We have two pieces of art from a Zimbabwean artist at our garden too. I think they were donated by someone. Having art exhibits at botanical gardens is such a great idea. Our next one is supposed to start next month and it has something to do with light again. I'm looking forward so seeing how it looks.

  6. On the thumbnail of the photo in my reader, it looks like a large beaked bird, where her head is the birds body, and her arm is the birds beak and head.

  7. Great opportunity to see this art!

  8. Wonderful sculpture! I will enjoy seeing more of them.
    Hope you are having a good week!

  9. This is quite stunning, elegant and graceful in design. Excited to see more too!

  10. The sculpture is gorgeous. I would love to see the artist creating this piece. It must be a very interesting process to see a figure sculpted out of a slab of stone.

  11. Nice way to showcase these artists.

  12. Incredible that anyone would consider climbing it.

  13. Lovely piece! I’m a big fan of outdoor art . We visited a Park in Loveland Colorado that features all Zimbabwean sculptures and there are several examples of it in other parks around the area. I really like it.
