Friday, November 16, 2018

Buried Creek

I was trying out the panorama setting on my camera and took this pic from high up the hill looking down into Bickford Park which is just south of Bloor St and west of Bathurst St. You wouldn't know it to see this view but a long buried creek runs below here. Garrison Creek starts just north of Davenport Rd and runs about 8 km to Lake Ontario through the west end of downtown. The whole creek has been buried since the 1920s and the only sign of it now is the ravines that have been left and which are the location for several parks along the route. There is a move afoot to open the creek up in areas but that seems doubtful.


  1. How interesting. It makes me wonder if it has made it's own underground path or if it was helped with pipes and culverts. Beautiful view. I love the turning trees mixed in.

  2. A pretty view, RedPat! I imagine it looks quite different with today's weather.

  3. It might be nice to spot the creek here and there along the way. Fantastic panoramic Pat, still some gorgeous autumn colour around ✨

  4. A beautiful scene, very pretty, Pat. I like seeing those autumn tree colours.

  5. Love the panorama! You put that camera through its pace and came out a winner! I'd vote to open up the creek but that might be like opening Pandora's box and one might not like the result of such an action. Still, a creek is a creek and usually a fun place to hang out.

  6. That is interesting. I've never heard of a buried creek before, maybe because I live in Florida and the water table here is so high that no one could bury one anyway! Love your panorama.

  7. Beautiful view! I wouldn't have expected it but an old dam was taken off a river west of where we live, restoring historic salmon runs. Restoration projects like that seem to be gaining some traction.

  8. Opening up the creek would be a real step in the right direction. You wonder how many other water courses and wetlands could be recovered this way.

  9. Interesting to know. Opening the creek up seems like the right thing to do.

  10. Hi Pat...oh yes, I'm pulling your leg(s)...big time! Heh, heh! :)))

  11. Preciosa panorámica otoñal Pat. Me encanta.
