Monday, November 19, 2018

From The Other Side

This is the other side of the painted Bell Telephone utility box which I showed you yesterday. I can't help thinking how nice these bright colours will seem as we approach the dull colourless days of winter. Once again this was found along College St in the Little Italy neighbourhood.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Hello,

    Seeing the colors in winter is a happy sight. Pretty mural. Happy Monday, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

  2. I love it! I don't know which side I like better.

  3. It certainly does brighten things up nicely.

  4. Love it! I have said it before but all utility boxes should be painted!

  5. feast for eyes in these gray days.

  6. Great, this side wins. Very nice indeed!

  7. I love these brightly colored murals you find.

  8. Oooh I love this even more Pat! It reminds me of the style of one of our best street artists Mel McVee aka Melski. You are right will absolutely cheer up the full days in winter ✨

  9. That was dull days of winter 😀😀

  10. Aw...c'mon, Anderson Cooper? Really? Who's that? And why would he get a Coke bottle and not me? Sheesh. Yeah, you might, maybe, perhaps, possibly, be right. Darn!

  11. I think I like this side even more. I can almost imagine these popping out as bright spots in the snow.

  12. I'm going to have to disagree with Tom. I like the other side the best. Or maybe it was the left-hand panel. I forget. Seriously, I agree that these things will brighten up the neighborhood.

    Re your comment on Ocala: Have you never been in a public swimming pool filled with kids, when you look up to suddenly see a big ol' turd float by? It's not a good experience, and that's why I can't imagine why anyone would buy this bit of junk. I suppose is supposed to be a "gag" gift and that's right as it sure makes me gag! :)

  13. Very nice with these bright colours, Pat !

  14. Gran idea la de alegrar con brillantes dibujos de colores.

  15. Fine shapes and colors on both sides of the utility box. Both Tom and Lowell can be right.

  16. Who ever said, a bit of paint can't make something stand-out! Great job.
