Thursday, November 1, 2018

November Theme Day: Friend

The November theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is "Friend" and for this theme I present my oldest friend, my dad, who is 97. I took this pic a couple of weeks ago as he was working out in the gym - doing weights, pedaling, etc. The wheelchair is just to make sure he doesn't fall.  
Taking part in the November theme, "Friend". Click HERE to see more pics of friends from around the world.


  1. Hello,

    Great photo of your Dad working out at the gym. I wish him well.

    Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. Congratulations to your Dad. I see he is still working out to maintain strength. Good for him.

  3. What a perfect choice for the theme. Dads are a daughter's very first best friend and you are so lucky to still have him in your life.

  4. How I LOVE this photo! It is a snapshot of a determined person who is managing his health and welfare in a positive way. You two are giving one another a lasting gift with your friendship. May November, 2018, be a terrific month for both of you, my Canadian cyberfriend!

  5. I love this photo, Pat. Very impressive indeed, still working out at 97. Wishing him the best!

  6. Good for him! He's on the right track and it's clearly working. Great shot for today's theme.

  7. What a great choice for the theme, Pat !

  8. What a sweet photo! You are so fortunate to still have your Dad. My Dad would have been 92 yesterday if he was still alive.

  9. Ohhhh! That is so sweet. I am happy for you!

  10. How wonderful you and your dad have such a good relationship and that you still have him. Glad he doesn't need that wheelchair around the house.

  11. It's probably my age, although I''m a bit younger than your dad, but this photo brought tears to my eyes! More power to him and may good health surround him and may your friendship continue to grow!

  12. Wonderful to see that you still have your Dad. Mine is still with me. I treasure getting to know him as I have become an adult.

  13. There is no one better to be your friend or you his. I just watched a TV news clip with a 98 year old telling how well he was being treated at Sunnybrook Veterans Centre.

  14. Wow! Amazing fitness focussed Dad!

  15. Our dads should be our best friends---mine was or so I thought. He died when I was 12 and I still miss him. Good to see Dad still going strong.

  16. He's great. You're great. That's great.

  17. Outstanding, outstanding, outstanding, RedPat. Your oldest friend is doing amazingly well. He is lucky to have you so steadily in his life, and you are lucky to still have him in yours.

  18. Ok this is definitely the winning theme day shot for me Pat, I love it so much, that is an enduring forever friendship 💙

  19. Lovely choice and lovely photo. Great that he still works out!

  20. Love it!! So great he is still going to the gym!
