Saturday, December 1, 2018

December Theme Day: "Joy"

The December theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is "Joy" and when I saw this float at our Santa Claus Parade a couple of weeks ago it reminded me of the joy of tobogganing each winter as a kid. Doesn't that little guy look thrilled? I also liked the creatures on the float looking up at the action and in particular check out the wee squirrel who is hanging onto the scarf! I'll show more from the parade later in the month.
Taking part in the December theme. Click HERE to see more examples of Joy from around the world.  
Also taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. I can't imagine anyone not smiling when they see this Pat, I can almost hear the 'wheeeee' as the squirrel holding on flies along 😀

  2. Hello, I like the critter float. The Santa Claus parade sounds like fun.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend.

  3. Oh yes, that brings back some joyful memories. I love sledding in the winter. I wanted to go out every time it snowed.

  4. I went back to try to find that squirrel...oh my! That is the cutest! Love a nice holiday parade! Hugs!

  5. Awesome Santa Claus parade! Have a nice weekend;-)

  6. The parade is looking good. It has been a longtime since I've have been to one.

  7. Fine image for the theme. I fondly remember tobogganing as a kid. Never finished a run without gales of laughter.

  8. What a joyful memory to share, Pat. I didn't go toboganning as a kid but I did ride my sled down the huge hill up street from where I grew up. A joyful moment indeed also a little crazy because at the bottom of the hill we flew right across the street and luckily we never got hit by a car. :)

  9. Oh, this is lovely, it made me smile.
    Happy December to you.

    All the best Jan

  10. Llega diciembre alegre y colorido.
    Te deseo un buen fin de semana Pat.

  11. ...winter fun can be joyous.

  12. We're all kids at heart, aren't we? I had missed the squirrel until you pointed him out. I love the rabbit, too.

  13. 'Tis the season for joy! Lovely capture for the theme.

  14. You found a happy float. Joyful!

  15. What a cute and fun float. I've never been on a toboggan. I'll bet it was great.
