Sunday, January 20, 2019

A Sad Tree

I spotted this sad tree in a local park last weekend when I ventured out on a cold windy day that was at least sunny. The tree had been dying and the first stage of removal was to cut off all of the small branches and then these larger ones and the trunk will be removed another day.


  1. Has it undergone a repair surgery? In the spring, the tree is full of new branches and leaves;-) Lovely new week

  2. I can't really tell whether this an ash tree, but if it is I think there is a whole programme of preemptive removal to prevent the spread of disease.

  3. Sometimes they surprise us, and when we think their time is over it's not!

  4. Oh my, that is sad. Perhaps it will be replaced soon. That would be a good end to the story.

  5. Hello,

    It is sad to loose any tree. I have one similar looking in our yard, I do not want it removed yet because the birds love to sit on what is left. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day. Have a great new week ahead.

  6. Nice to see your photograph … but always sad to lose a tree, I do hope they may replace it.

    All the best Jan

  7. It is sad to see a tree dying, a replacement would be grand.

  8. It seems strange to see this happening. Toronto has such a strong reputation for protecting the trees.

  9. And we need all the trees in these times.

  10. Sad to see the tree Pat but oh wow, that blue winter sky is gorgeous!

  11. Let's hope for an alternative scenario: It has been heavily pruned and soon the new buds will appear.
