Sunday, January 6, 2019

An Oldie

You don't see too many of these old Citroen Deux Chevaux around Toronto so this one stopped me in my tracks as I took a walk in the bit of snow we had last weekend. It looks in great shape so it probably isn't driven when the streets are salted in the winter. I have no idea what year it is but they were made from 1948  to 1990.


  1. Cutest car! Love the colour combination.. love the look of that snow too, heating up over here 😊

  2. ...this Citroen is so ugly that it's cute!

  3. Wow a 2CV bit rare here as well though there a van version across the road from me

  4. Wow! What a find! Great photo ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. That is indeed a rare sighting. It does look cute. It would be fun to take a ride in it.

  6. The 2CV Citroen is a true collector car, but it has some difficulty with modern traffic having less then 20 hp. So long as the pace is slow they look terrific, and this one in yellow and black is perfect.

  7. Salt is a great destroyer of cars. So glad that this treasure is kept safe.

  8. I have to agree from some silly or strange reason I adore them too!

  9. A great find! Whatever its age it looks to be in fairly good condition. That's not a Canadian license plate on it, is it?

  10. Love it...looks like it just came off the showroom. I saw a car from Indiana the other day and the whole bottom of the car all the way around was rusted out. It caught my attention as we don't see many rusted vehicles around here.

  11. Neat car! I would love to cruise (in the summer) in one of those!!

  12. Oh, my goodness, I once took a ride in one... driving around corners was... weeee...

  13. A car design that just makes you smile. :-)
