Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Our New $10 Bill

Our new $10 bill features a pic of Viola Desmond who becomes the first Canadian woman to be featured on one of our currency bills. Viola Desmond was a black woman who was jailed, convicted and fined for refusing to leave the whites-only area of a movie theatre in 1946. You can read a good version of her story HERE. I think this is also the first time we have had any of our currency run on the vertical rather than the horizontal. 


  1. Excellent link Pat, I thought of Rosa Parks as soon as I read this, it never ceases to horrify me the way people of colour were, and still are, treated.

  2. Pat, thanks so much for that link and this information. This is a story I had never heard before. How wonderful that she has been honored this way. It is interesting that the bill is printed vertically too.

  3. Thank You Canada! We [us] will rejoin you in the real world presently - please excuse our technical difficulties. Have you heard my senator Kamala Harris, CA yet? WOW!

  4. It's a great design. I visited the Bank of Canada Museum on the weekend, and they have a temporary exhibit at present on her and on the creation of the new bill.

    Unless I'm incorrect about what I saw during the visit, there was a vertical bill several years ago, but it was a rejected design, so it never went into general or limited production.

  5. I love your money in Canada! It is so pretty! I was amazing when I lived there for a few months for work! What a great person to honor! I am now following you - you can follow back if you wish at Annster's Domain

  6. Hello,

    Canada is now way ahead of the USA. Our country is going back in time, thanks to our current administration. I love the new $10 bill. Have a happy day and week ahead.

  7. I've never seen a vertical bill before. Our new £5 and £10 notes are plastic. Are these?

  8. What a great way to celebrate Viola's free spirit!

  9. Beautiful, and a great design. It is interesting that the bill is printed vertically.

  10. Does this mean the guys will have to get vertical wallets to hold the new bills?

  11. Viola Desmond sounds like the Canadian version of Rosa Parks. Good for Viola, and for Canada for honoring her with her picture on the $10 bill. Always good to stand up for human rights.

  12. This is something that was never taught when I went to school. The only thing taught about blacks was the underground railroad. You are right about the vertical bill. Any machines that handled paper money had to be reprogrammed.

  13. What a great honour to have Viola on a newly designed bill.

  14. First time I think I've seen any paper currency run on the vertical.

  15. Oh, I love this! I also like that it is vertical. I had never heard of Viola before.

  16. I also thought of Rosa Parks. Nice vertical design.

  17. Such a great homage to such a brave young woman! Lovely woman.

  18. Viola Desmond made her stand almost 10 years before Rosa Parks was arrested in the U.S. (1955). I'm always impressed at the courage civil rights leaders show in the face of racism.
    (Canadian currency is much more interesting than ours in the U.S. and I don't think it's the novelty of seeing something different.)

  19. Wow how interesting. New money---cool

  20. A very nice new money design. I like it and also the vertical aspect.

  21. Well deserved honor for this brave woman. Congratulations to your country for being so forward thinking. Wish we were there. The vertical placement is certainly something different.

  22. First she was a beautiful woman, second unbelievable that we ever had such a thing, and it's wonderful that they gave her memory this honor, for her strong and determined stand!
