Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Loretto

The Loretto is a condo building located in the Annex in what was the Loretto Brunswick Catholic school for girls. The building was completed in 1915 and was a convent and school until being sold and converted to condos in 2007. With heritage designation the front of the building had to remain intact but the other sides were allowed to have balconies installed. I've been in a couple of the units and they are lovely large spaces with high ceilings.


  1. ...if I owned a unit I'd enjoy the balconies, but they sure look tacky!

  2. I like the look of this place. It's great when restoration mixes the old with the new.

  3. I like the look of them Pat, love high ceilings and heritage features ✨

  4. A very attractive building. I agree with Tom that the balconies look a bit tacky.

  5. Wow that is some building! Beautiful design.

  6. Probably a lovely plce to live. I would imagine that the interior has been completely modernized.

  7. Hello, it is a pretty building. I am sure the condo are very nice too.
    Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  8. It looks a lovely building, though you'd think they'd have come up with a design for the balconies that was more sympathetic to the rest of it. They look like fire escapes!

  9. Converting a school into a condo is a first for me.

  10. I wouldn't have imagined it was a school in a previous life.

  11. I'd give it a try. They do have heat, didn't you say?

  12. I'll bet that is a desirable place. I like buildings from that era.
