Friday, January 25, 2019

Women At Play

The woman in yesterday's post was headed for this neighbourhood rink which hosts many hockey leagues as well as recreational family skating times. At one time it was very difficult for women to find ice time in the city but a concerted effort has been made to change that and this rink in particular has women's leagues that cover several age groups. People play until the very early morning hours since those are often the only times available. The pic was taken through two layers of glass so isn't really sharp.


  1.'s a bit hard to tell who they are.

  2. Hello, I am glad time has been made for the women's leagues. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  3. Here, apparently, women do not like hockey, they prefer artistic figure skating.

  4. Nice to hear space and time are being made available to them.

  5. Thanks for taking us inside and showing us the scene. This is probably a good place to watch a game or two. Much quieter than the professional games.

  6. Aside from the Olympics, we so often overlook the women teams. They need to play too.

  7. Good to see the woomen enjoying a game of hockey. I skated when I was a teen but really didn't care for it.

  8. Whoa! Watch out for those sticks!

  9. It's good to see women having access to less traditional sports. It was once common to write it off as "women don't want to do that."

  10. Good on them Pat, love to see women in competitive sports usually associated only with men ✨
