Monday, February 4, 2019

Flowery Door

I don't usually like this type of mural but the bright flowers sprinkled about this garage door really caught my eye. It must look wonderful with snow on the ground but it has been too cold to head off for a wander along this laneway. The artist for this one is Chris Perez.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Wow! Seeing that would sure wake me up in the morning! And what a cheery greeting that would be to come home to each evening!

  2. I agree with Lea. That would wake one up in the morning, it's so bright!
    Thanks for contributing Pat.

  3. ...Toronto must be the capital of garage door art!

  4. Wow! There is something very appealing about this colourful piece Pat, flamboyant comes to mind 🌼🌺🌹🌸

  5. The colors here really pop. You are right, surrounded by white this will really stand out.

  6. I love the colours, they really stand out. Very nice garage door. Must be a Toronto trend, you think.

  7. Charmingly appears that the artist started painting with some part of the garage in mind and then just kept going and going and going!

    best... mae at

  8. A nice spot of color for this dreary time of year.

  9. Wow! A mural like this in most neighborhoods I can think of would be considered scandalous.

  10. A bit hectic, but so bright, it's beautiful after all.
