Saturday, April 13, 2019

A Bad Hair Day

Spring is not the most attractive time of year for squirrels when they are shedding their winter coats and preparing for a nice new summer one. This poor girl had better hope that we don't get some very cold weather or she will be feeling the chill a lot!
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Never seen that look on any squirrel in my area.

  2. I am guessing the poor guy has the mange, a disease caused by microscopic mites.

  3. Hello,

    She is a cute squirrel. Even with a bad hair day. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  4. Great photo ~ never saw this shedding before ~ I was amazed at the black squirrels when I visited ~ she is sweet ~ bad hair or not ~

    Happy Times to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. I too have not seen the sheading of the squirrel. I guess in the country they buzz around so fast one never notices. As we have been having sort a wintery half Spring so far.

  6. Andy might be right. This one might have a bigger problem than just shedding. Poor thing. Hopefully it has a warm place to hide.

  7. A cutie again. I love them with or without hair.

  8. Always pleased to see these black squirrels. They don't live around here.

  9. ...everyday is a bad hair day for me, I hope that I don't have the mange!

  10. A cute squirrel, I've never seen a squirrel like this ever. Hope s/he is enjoying the morsel of food.

  11. Look at the length of that tail. What a cutie.

  12. I think I agree with Andy. This looks like more than a shed. I hope I'm wrong.

  13. So sad! It does look like mange. Gosh.
    BTW, in response to your comment....
    Minks are terrible RedPat! A fox will take its prey away, kill it and/or eat it elsewhere. But it takes time to stash them. Minks just go in and kill as much as they can. They are wicked little things!

  14. Oh dear, poor wee thing 😉 I didn't realise that this even happened Pat, love learning something new every day ✨

  15. He will be handsome again soon!
