Thursday, May 2, 2019

A Street View

While I was a passenger in a vehicle traveling along Danforth Ave in surprisingly light traffic I took this pic of the streetscape. You can see the bell tower of the Church of the Holy Trinity way off in the distance and realize how much of a landmark it is. I showed it to you back in February (HERE). The snow is gone since I showed you the Danforth but there are still no leaves on the trees or flowers in the planters.


  1. Hello,

    Nice city view, I like the bell tower in the distance. Have a happy day!

  2. This Photo Is Cool And All But I Love Your ' May Theme Day: "Purple"


  3. The traffic may be light, but there is still no place to park. Good cityscape.

  4. I would love to explore all the shops along this street!
    Have a great day!

  5. Danford is a lovely wide avenue Bill.. it's fun taking photos like this when not driving 😊

  6. You know I meant Pat right 😀

  7. As a teenager I went to the movies at Palace and the Odeon Danforth Theatres. Both located at Pape and Danforth... Palace on the north side and Odeon on the south side.

  8. This almost looks like driving down main street in my old home town in Illinois. Surely those trees will start to bud soon.

  9. Beautiful city! Slowly but surely the buds and greenery is starting to happen here...very slowly in my opinion! HA! Have a great day! Annster's Domain

  10. What a wide boulevard. The bell tower makes a good focal point on the street.

  11. I love this city street scene, it's a great view.

  12. I'd certainly be ready to see leaves or flowers by now...
